Massage Therapy
Check out how massage therapy can play an important role in your health and wellness routine. ALTHOUGH, always check with your doctor before taking massage therapy sessions, especially if you have a medical condition.
Massage therapy can improve your health and wellness by reducing stress levels and releasing tight muscles among many other benefits. Also, it can be effective for a number of conditions. For instance, patients with Multiple Sclerosis who receive massage therapy experience a reduction in spasticity and pain and leads to the improving quality of life. This backed up by continued evidence-based research.
I’d like to explain how massage therapy can benefit your health and wellness.
Lower stress
Stress plays a major role in our day to day lives. Therefore it can lead to long-term emotional, mental and physical health problems. Massage therapy can be an effective way of lowering stress levels and conditions associated with it, for example, tense neck & shoulders muscles that cause headaches can be released to lower tension.
Better sleep
Sleep is an important part of your physical health, it’s involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Some health conditions like lower back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and pain can have an impact on the quality of sleep and vice-versa. Research shows that massage can improve sleep by reducing stress levels and therefore improving health and wellness.
Mental health and wellness
Massage stimulates the production of feel-good hormones that play a role in depression. Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression may be positively affected with massage therapy. By increasing, neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine massage can contribute to mental health and wellness.
Pain management
Research suggests there’s clear evidence that massage therapy may be beneficial for improving clients experiencing pain. Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury. Massage therapy can help people with lower-back pain, headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, muscle injuries and more.
Improve range of motion
Professional and amateur athletes alike can benefit from massage therapy. Massage can help reduce muscle tension, speed up recovery time, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries. Massage therapy in combination with stretching is an effective way of improving range of motion and maintaining healthy muscles.
Enhance exercise performance
Massage reduces the production of substances called cytokines, which play an important role in inflammation. Also, massage also stimulates mitochondria, which are the tiny powerhouses inside cells that convert glucose into the energy essential for cell function and repair.
helping the muscle adapt to the demands of increased exercise, said the senior author, Dr. Mark A. Tarnopolsky